Monday, July 28, 2003

Question about the idea of “cell” churches or “cell” groups-smaller churches within the larger.

Should these cell groups have to go to, say the committee of the larger church to get ‘permission’ for this bible study, that trip to wherever, or sending money or people to such-in-such a missionary or organization? Etc.

Or…do they function as Christians - the Church? And with the maintained relationships-if there is any question about something being “biblical” or whatever, accountability can happen that way. Through the relationships.

I mean, if Church is the people and therefore its functionality based on loving, Christ centered relationships…shouldn’t that be the way it is maintained? As apposed to committees and programs.

It seems that it would give room for more people to be better discipled - ’doing’ - making ’Christian’ decisions - easier to be involved…not so complicated, so much red tape, so BIG that it scares folks away.

Involvement in and as Church rather than participation during an event on Sunday.

If folks don’t want to be involved in classes or whatever - let’s let them be involved in just being ’Church’…being Christians….Fellowship….Relationships.

Let’s just ’be’ church together instead of let’s ’go’ to Church together. I think more folks will cry out, “I long to see you” “I long to be close to you Lord”

People being discipled-not entertained. Not stopping at the cross and the resurrection, but moving forward into the Life of the Living Christ. Into a relationship and a life with Him who is still at work.

When He said, “It is finished” He didn’t mean we were done growing or learning or…evolving, if you will. He still says you must “take up your cross”. Not just the individual, but I think this goes for the Church as well.

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