Friday, September 12, 2003

Heather let me sleep in till 6:30 this morning and we took advantage of having our new baby-sitter, who the kids just love, and dropped the kids off so mommy and daddy could have a day ALONE together. Well, a few hours anyway. This hasn't happened in months. For real. We actually got to go out and have a wonderful lunch together in Lafayette....ALONE! It was so nice to just be able to sit and talk about anything and not be interrupted by screaming or crying or any thing setting around that would remind us of something we needed to do. It was nice to get away and just enjoy eachother's presence for a few hours.

Heather and I have realized we do not spend enough time together in prayer and study of scripture. We really need to work on this and get in the habit of doing this as a team a little more so or better that we have been. We've got big changes coming up and we need to make sure we are in constant contact with the Man upstairs as a team and a family. We have all kinds of things we see that we need to work on as individuals and a couple and as parents and we are so happy that we have eachother to have as a companion for this journey.

Heather is a blessing from God in my life and in the lives of our children and she's not afraid to give me a swift kick in the rump when I need it. I love you my sweets! Thank you for always keeping this space cadet grounded.

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