Saturday, October 18, 2003

I have to remember that the 'normal' folks aren't' going to understand or agree with who I am......

I am called to a unique purpose. I may be crazy. I hope I am NUTS more often than not. I went looking for that metaphor to describe myself to myself a few days back.....I couldn't think of one. I would have to be able to think of all these traits that are good about me. That is not something that I am good at. I am good at seeing those things I am not good at though. And I realize when I am at my weakest and relying on God that is when I am my strongest. I know that the more I look to him the more I will be transformed.....into myself. Christ in me. This sounds crazy to most.

Derek speaks about God using "left-handers". Sweet talks about God using those who are NUTS. A run through of the those God used in the Bible, of our Saints, shows us that they were quite the band of misfits. In the process of 'waking up' I look around and see that everything that is 'normal' is quite different than that which is to be normal to me-a disciple. And like the lion who asked the horse how to 'be' I am quite confused as to who I am. Like Neo, I'm looking for purpose. Mark has said that, "As we get to look more and more like Jesus, we don't get to look more and more like each other. We get to look more and more like ourselves."

I am unplugged. I realize I have the freedom of choice. Who I am is found in the 'how' and 'why' I make the choices I do.

I wander what choices will be made in Revolutions.

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