Monday, May 12, 2003

Church Alive Big Event 5 this weekend. Church Alive is a ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Indiana and Kentucky. The questions that are beign asked, "How can you plan your worship time so worshipers can be focused on what God has done for them as they enter into the worship time?" "who leads worship in your congregation? Is there an opportunity for a variety of persons using a variety of gifts to lead worship?" "how would you define worship?" "how many people in your worship service experience genuine worship and how many are simply going through the motions? How can this be changed?" *Knowing that different people do respond better to different types of worship and music styles, is there room in your church for these differences?" COOL!!! Corinne Ware will be speaking there. We are reading her book SAINT BENEDICT OF THE FREEWAY. I had intended to read it all in one night so my mom could have it back, but I've been kinda busy. Hope to have it back to her tonight or tomorrow.

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