Thursday, March 04, 2004


By now you probably realize that I am full of searching questions and struggle off and on in this journey.

Story of your life huh?

In this season Heather and I find ourselves in - our journey has lead outside of our local ‘church’. It’s lonely. It has confirmed to us our need and the purpose for you the Church though.

I can not express enough how much all of you have meant and continue to mean to us.

I question often if leaving was the right thing, but I am reaffirmed that there are things that Heather and I are to learn that we would not have been able to learn there.

Satan…now there’s someone we don’t blog about much. Satan is obviously trying to rape this vulnerable point of our journey and have his way with it, but we press on....

With Luther I say, “’Sir Devil, I am not afraid of you. I have a Friend whose name is Jesus Christ, in whom I believe. He has abolished the Law, condemned sin, vanquished death, and destroyed hell for me. He is bigger than you, Satan. He has licked you, and holds you down. You cannot hurt me.’ This is the faith that overcomes the devil.”

And as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

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