Wednesday, February 04, 2004

peaceful and uneventful couple of days off

The Miller’s have spent the past couple of days just chillen out with each other doing nothing.

We all did go to the library today though. The kids love it. I don’t ever remember getting so excited by the library when I was a kid that I did not want to leave. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays they have a story and craft time for kids around Mikah’s age. He thinks it is “totally cool“.

Kiara shares so well with the other little ones. I realize how well she is speaking for her age. She is saying Mikah now. Until a couple of weeks ago she would only call him Buddy. (which we all found very cute of course)

Mikah is four and he is so intent on learning how to spell and read. You can really see his frustration when he wishes he could read a certain book.

Heather grabbed some books on home schooling. Something we feel lead to do, but not totally equipped for. (has or is anyone else doing this? Any good resources you suggest?)

I picked up The Monks of New Skete - In the Spirit of Happiness. Meant to pick up a couple of National Geographics. Must of slipped my mind at the time.

Things I noticed:

-I was the only father

-We were the only couple

-Our kids were very well behaved

-I don’t look forward to Kiara being 3

-My wife is soooo cool

Additional side notes-

*chai tea is so yummy!

*a church in a neighboring town is going to have a labyrinth set up throughout lent with. Looking forward to getting to experience that for the first time.

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