Monday, February 09, 2004

still 'building' the foundation

I haven’t been posting much because I’ve been working a lot lately, but also because I don’t seem to think I have much to say.

I made that commitment to make five posts about relationships, but have realized again that I don’t have many locally. Also, do I think that because we don’t do a lot of cool and exciting things that there isn’t much to blog about? I realize that I need to get out of my shell and engage the communities around me, but it bothers me that somewhere in my head I seem to think that ya’ll don’t want to here about my ’boring’ life.

I have realized that I have been too ’protestant’ and done more complaining about problems with this way and that way of doing things and I have not done much in the way of getting to know Christ better and getting to know you better.

(I am reminded of Brad’s question- “what does it mean and what might it look like to be a holistic, 24-7 disciple?”)

I pray that when we get to Indy God will place those people in front of us that need us to be living out our faith with them and for them. There is so much need there. I am sure He has a place for us. I pray that there will be those who push us and encourage us into growth by there lives.

I pray that I continue this current and emerging-focus stirred within to search Him out instead of searching out ‘new models’. I pray whatever you see me and the people around me doing it is all centered around our desire for Him and for loving those around us rather than being ‘pomo-cool’. Construction that is began with the foundation built on the Rock rather than deconstruction founded in….anything else.


(Ps- I am already tired of the current header and color scheme. It seems very crisp and clean looking to me, but maybe it is a little too much so for me. It will be changing again.)

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