Monday, June 16, 2003

Howie Ness brought to my attention Sunday that God hates those three little words, "I am only..."

I have been saying this a lot lately. "God you say you want to use me? But I am only..." I don't know what God has in store for me or us as a family, but I do know that we need some close relationships with people who will " challenge us to seek God, either within or outside our church's walls"(thanks Kristen) I have become part of some relationships in my blogging community that are this way and I hope that I have as much to offer them, as well. I need this in my geographic community too though.

We had a conversation Sunday in our Seekers class and the question was brought up whether we should have to go out of our comfort zones and intentionally have relationships with people so God can touch lives or do we set back and let God put those people there in our jobs and in the midst of our daily lives.

I felt as though everyone was saying that we are not called to GO, but we are all only to touch those who we come across right where we are at.

Now, I agree that we are to be a lighthouse to those around us...right where we are, but I also believe that some of us are called to GO. Not just across the street, but across town, across the world, and/or across our comfort zones to touch people who we would never, for any reasons of our own, speak to or have a relationship with.

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