Monday, June 09, 2003

UPDATE:::I came back to edit what I wrote a couple of posts back for some reason, but I've chosen to leave it there....Sometimes I don't know what I believe about what we as a family needs and we as a Church needs. I just know that I am hungry as Hell for a deeper relationship with Christ. I have no close friendships with anyone besides my wife and my children. I need all of you out there praying for me and joining me in my journey. I do know that I am 'hungry to serve' and it is scary because I feel led to leave the safety of the walls of the Church to 'GO' and be a 'lighthouse' to the world.---Me?! Me who is scared as heck of people? I use to go hide in the library during lunch at school so I could avoid the large clicks. I was friends with everyone I knew, but I was scared of them for some reason.

I don't know where to begin except by intentionally stepping out of my comfort zone and building relationships with people.

Lord help me with my faith and help me to keep my eyes on you and you at the center of everything--separating nothing from my service to you and the Kingdom.

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