Monday, June 02, 2003

Ok. Say we begin some relationships, there emerges a small group. Church. Whether it be a cell group of an existing traditional church or a church plant or what ever, believing that small cell churches are a more affective way to have intimate relationships and touch each others lives....once they begin to grow are they to separate? What if they don't want to? Isn't that how the institutional churches started? What is the difference between what is happening in today's emergent church and what has been going on for years? I'm not saying that I don't agree. I truly believe small groups are the spine of church. These are just honest questions.

We've got enough church buildings I think. How do we avoid settling down, buying a building and then having to be structured in such a way as to fit inside the legal system so we don't have to pay taxes and blah blah blah....How do we avoid making a business out of it? If the group chooses not to separate is this not ok? Yes, it may become exactly what it set out not to be. But if that particular group of people chooses to settle down and buy a place aren't they just doing what is right for that group?

I think, maybe, none of us know for sure how to do it. "The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." I don't think there is a 'just right' way to do it. I do know the thing we should all be doing is keeping Christ at the center and loving our neighbor. What ever stems from that is just the out-growth of love. However imperfect it may be because of our flesh.

I can't remember the exact quote, but C. S. Lewis said something to the affect that you are not yet dancing while you are still counting the steps. A good shoe is one that you don't notice is there.

While we are still on this earth and in this flesh I think that maybe we will always be counting. Or maybe we stop counting when we stop relying on ourselves and start relying on Jesus to lead us. I am sure that saying this way or that way is the only way is not the way to do it. And I do believe that the traditional church needs to wake up to the fact that people ARE doing it another way and we can either set back and not be a part of it or we can jump in and support it in whatever manner Christ leads. People are not walking through the doors of the building on Sunday morning though and to think that waiting in our pews and just praying is the way to reach the rest of the world is nonsense.

Lord help me to get off my..........butt and love my neighbor.

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