Monday, August 11, 2003

I woke up at 5:30 this morning. Made some fresh ground coffee. Did the left over dishes. Made some bacon and eggs. All while listening to the lovely Dolores and the Cranberries.

I was thinking about the Cairn event in Dallas with the Rudds and about being a practitioner and being “in the thick of things.” I realized that part of my frustration lately is that I haven’t felt much like a practitioner lately. We aren’t involved in any projects or groups and we really don’t get out much at all. But then I realized where Heather and I have come over the past four years and I look at what is on our hearts. The things we find important now and the things that bother us. Not wanting to settle for just existing ‘going’ to Church. Wanting to reach this Town, this State, this Nation, and this Changing world for Christ and Realizing that setting in our pews is not doing it. Truly on our hearts-wanting to serve Him completely. Actually thinking about uprooting our family and moving someplace we have never even been so that we can grow even closer to Him by becoming part of a community and learning how to live as disciples. Wanting to live our life differently than just following the way everyone is doing it here. We really feel alone here…..but despite this I have looked with the rising sun this morning on our family and have acknowledged that we are people of God-mistakes and all-and we are placing our lives down for HIM saying “we are here for you Jesus. Use us…Please!”

I have truly realized that the Spirit HAS been at work in us. I mean I knew this, but I have not acknowledged it lately and I praise God that He has made us people wanting to live for Him and not for this world. We want to be a part of all of your lives some how. We pray that He will show us how…..and where.

Blessings, some fresh ground coffee and a little bit of the Cranberries to all of ya’

OOPS! And some Fair Trade for Kristen and working people everywhere.

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