Tuesday, August 26, 2003

"The only way to keep Christianity out of the school system is to keep Christians out of it." (Harold Wiltz)

And on the 10 commandments plaque in the court house thing-maybe if Christians would stay out of the court room that would be enough of a testimony to the world that we would not need a symbol of our faith there.

"There is a streak of stubbornness in a man's makeup that is often mistaken for religious conviction." (Ronald Bridges)

I have no idea who these two people are that I have just quoted, but i appreciated the quotes themselves...

Now I understand that some folks problems with this is that taking the 10 commandments out is a sign of things to come, but i personally feel it is a sign of things that are already upon us and we have bigger fish to fry than the taking down of a plaque that really doesn't mean squat to most people. Whine-whine-wine!!!! We have more religious freedom here than anywhere else in the world and we seem to find it hard to be Christians to those outside of the Church because it might offend them. Freakin' rubbish!! Making a scene on television about some freakin plaque is no testament to the unbelieving world. Get up off the court-house steps and go home and invite your neighbor over for supper! "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's."

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