Friday, November 14, 2003


It is in me that there is need for more church planters. I am aware that there is need for emerging leaders and Heather and I are here and we are soooo willing. Just adds to the frustration when we are here away from any one else that is in this when we need to learn from them. You.

We still need to figure out how to support ourselves and our family. If we are to be leaders someday we need to also be 'tent-makers'. Heather and her brother's little corporation has been having problems with their supplier so they were looking for a bit of a change. So, we are all now taking on the task of learning to build custom pc's. This is something I wanted to do a long time ago. I am very excited, but this is quite the challenge. Lot's of research and more and more research and studying. My eyes hurt from reading so much and my brain hurts from all the new info coming in, but we really need this and we need to do it right. So all the prayers you can shoot up on this would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I must get dressed for work. Blog at ya' latter.

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