Sunday, November 02, 2003

Movin' On

'What can we bring to the table?' This has been a frustrating thought for me regarding what I can offer the 'emerging' Church. How can I be 'relevant'?

Damn it Scotty! You are relevant! The good Lord put YOU here didn't He?

From Derek and Amy's blog:

All of our big ideas—and there have been many—must come through the delivery of Jesus’ spirit. Otherwise, and this is what happened to many of those Gen Thresholds who stayed in the church, we make something that kowtows to the cultural zeitgeist of the moment. So some got angry for the church being irrelevant, while others tried to solve the problem by making something relevant. Both sides of our generation let this icky stronghold thrive. Guys, it’s time to be. Jesus is saying to us, GO BE. Really—to go be who we were made to be. What is your wildest dream and what is keeping you from it? If it is God having you on hold, that is one thing, but if you are not doing what you were made to be, you are being someone else.

I am a part of this! WE are a part of this! Brad you are right. "At least we are at the table."

Now, no more wine. Can someone please pass the meat?

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