Friday, November 21, 2003

Re: generation a continuing process?

Hey folks,

After losing the baby we began looking at everything differently. Lots of fear came out of the hurt. When we were in Dallas for Cairn Heather and I were wanting to see that Christ was in this. And of course we found him there. I think we were able to see the love of the people even more due to our loss. We left there sure that God wanted us there.

*sissy just went pee-pee in the potty....YEA!!*

Heather and I decided at some point that we need to find a way to support ourselves before we go. In my mind we are moving forward into a not-so-traditional form of full time ministry. Trying to live missional lives we need to be able to support our little fam. Neither of us have been to school and the city(Dallas) costs a whole lot more to live in than the little-bitty town we are in now.

Heather has decided to be trained to do medical transcriptions because that would allow her to work from home and also for us to be mobile. Her and her brother have changed things up with their business and we are all now learning to build computers. The parts for the first pc are in the mail now. I pray this all works out because I think it rocks! It is something I've always wanted to do.

Anyhoo, Heather and I will not be moving to Dallas this winter. It is still in our plans for the future, but there is just no timetable for when it will happen. We hope to make as many pilgrimages down as possible.

(if this decision is out of fear and not in God's plan then we pray that he will show us our error and toss us down there ASAP)

I, personally, wish we were there now. We love you all SO much. I've spoken very little to you all since we've been back, but everyone of you has been in my prayers.

We really want to serve our Lord in our day-to-day lives and this critiquing of everything we do really makes me uneasy at times. I've grown up 'going' to church and doing things(or not doing things) in that context and sometimes I feel how Spencer Burke explains that "We picture home repair projects gone wrong-with heaven and hell hanging in the ballance." I've grown up assuming things had to be done a certain way and in my trying to figure out how to serve the Lord in this ever changing place we call America I have realized that the way I've been doing things does not and will not work. Many Preachers and PKs in my family. A lot of my questions don't set well at times with folks. Our questioning where we spend our money(wal-mart, coffee and just about everything else) causes the same uneasiness in folks. I can understand because in this little town and making so little money it causes us to look at the whole way we operate. We need this critiquing and change not just for those people we want to reach, but for ourselves as well.

Anyway, most of you have been going through this for some time and we thank you for you stories and for your prayers. And thank you for still reading this blog. I know I don't explain myself very well and sometimes what gets posted doesn't make a whole lot of sense outside of my head.

Re: generation a continuing process? Me thinks so.

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