Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Where's my tribe at?

This is in response to Brad's last couple of posts...

This ragamuffin, who desires....whose heart aches for the tribal-egalitarian-let's-get-it-on! kinda ekklesia, wanders what this means for him?

Our being part of this 'traditional/teamwork' based church has caused so many frustrations for us.(i realize frustration is present in all families) I can't help but think that it has been strangling us and not allowing us to just BE on the journey. And the journey with each other.

Can't help but think that it is part of the muck that has kept us from realizing our creativeness. Our uniqueness.

Anger has arisen at times of course. But this local gathering, imperfect as it may be, still really does try to be an expression of their relationship with God.

What about listening to the 'leaders'? Is ok at some point, as much as it may hurt, to step out and wipe our feet, realizing that the purpose is maturity and this has stunted our growth?

Where does one go who desires to be part of a tribe where there is no visible tribe?

We're beginning to see this church move here. There is life stirring within her walls, but the life of this potentially beautiful organism has never known the freedom and growth of one rooted outside of the confining pot into the fertile soil of the earth.

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