Monday, December 15, 2003

another day....lookin' for a dollar

I am in Arcadia right now. I am staying with my Grandfolks while I look for work in Indianapolis. I'll probably be staying here during the work week until we get moved down. It's only day one and I really miss Heather and the kiddoes. It's kinda cool talking to her on the phone....reminds me of when we were dating ;>)

Didn't get as much accomplished as I wanted today. Feeling poorly....kinda slowed me down. I have some folks I want to meet when I'm down here, but I'm feelin' pretty rotten at the mo and I really need to use my energy to find some work.

Please pray for my little family. We are really being humbled right now......(sigh)....please pray.

I am luvin' brad's last few posts.
"my calling is to primary work, I want to think it through and interpret situations for myself first - not have a lot of other peoples' answers when I don't even know my own questions yet."

"Everyone has their own passionate idea about the style that is "right." We get excited about what excites us, and we want everyone to share in that excitement. But we go beyond that to conformity when we pressure people to do it because we "know" it's the "right" way."

"whatever our hopes, fears, self-doubts, longings, gifts, talents ... are we letting God work out the kinks in us so we have the character of His son being formed inside, and are we giving ourselves grace to grow instead of guilt for our flaws? those are questions worth asking every day ..."

"pray we give each other the freedom to use the tools we need and to think about our experiences critically, in line with our privilege of demonstrating Christ's Kingdom on earth."

"i think we don't give ourselves permission to be who we really are - but we desperately desperately need to."
I need what brad calls, "tools for developing your own understanding of culture". little family luvs ya brad. And yes! It's worth it. We are thankful for who you are and thankful that you get up day after day to! Love ya.

NOTE on Arcadia, Indiana: This is the little town Ryan White went to school.

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