Saturday, December 06, 2003

pieces of old posts....simple....but they are me

"Lord Jesus I pray that it is not any agenda of my own that I aspire to. Your will be done. Please help me to get off of my butt and out into the world around me that you may touch lives. Help me to not hide it under a bushel or under a steeple. Please make yourself real and visible in my life that others may see. I can do nothing without you. Guide me Father for I feel so lost. Use us to go to those places and those people who are not being reached by the traditional Church. Please bring some people in to our lives that will guide us and challenge us to seek God. Help us to love 'em all. Even when they're as messed up as we are. Thanks for being here even when we're lookin' the other way."


"I want to light a candle and have some time with God. I want to go sit down with a cup of coffee and talk about my kids. My wants. My hurts. I want to listen to you. I want to serve the Lord! Full-time."


"I don't know what God has in store for me or us as a family, but I do know that we need some close relationships with people who will " challenge us to seek God, either within or outside our church's walls"(thanks Kristen) I have become part of some relationships in my blogging community that are this way and I hope that I have as much to offer them, as well. I need this in my geographic community too though."


"I want to learn how to love. How to guide people who want to be servants also. Not telling them what to do, but guiding/directing/challenging them."

I Cor. 3:7 - "So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow."

As much as my ego wants to be known as a success and a 'big-important person' i just hope that somehow we can spend our whole life-full-time 'pointing to God.'"


My kids are so cool!!! Love 'em-Love 'em-Love 'em!!!


"discipleship is the most effective method for evangelism under heaven."-brad

(ok that last one wasn't mine, but it is......true and the struggle i find myself in)

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