Tuesday, December 09, 2003


I have been told that I am asking good questions....I hope I continue if that is so.

In Bill’s comments Matt wrote,

“Your assignment: LEAD ME TO FOLLOW CHRIST

I think that’s pretty on. I believe the problem comes when I or you think that we know the ‘best’ way to do that. I [need] it done in a day-to-day basis in the context of personal, living life together, sharing meals kinda thing. Who knows me better and what I need than the folks who are going through it with me.

Our problem in our church now, with all those people with names, faces and stories of there own, is that all we focus on is the same old Sunday ’service’ and that’s about it. A Sunday night thing here and there, but...how is it that that is community? Stand up-sit down-turn around-say hello-and out ya’ go. How is it that that is the only way we are to get to know each other and love each other as God has commanded.

When that is all ’church’ and Christian community has been for me it really sucks. I just want to live life with people who are asking those questions too! People seem afraid of them here. “We’ve always done it this way.” Yea I know.

I don’t know. Everyone is just too damn busy for us here. I want to be involved with a Christian community on a daily basis. With people with names, and faces and stories of there own. I know that takes time though. We need to be with others who realize that time with each other 'hearing stories, shedding tears and telling stories' is for the edification of all. That is Church.

I’m all about having a good teaching or preaching or “info-download” time, but I think when church, our relationships, our community is based around that, it is...(sigh)...not for me. I don’t think that having a ’speaker’ even once a week would bother me so much if there was more to my church/Christian community experience.

We could be wrong about a lot of things.

This could get messy.

We'll keep asking, seeking, and traveling though.

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