Wednesday, December 10, 2003

grouchy, but only for a stint

The world tells me I need a college degree to get a job that takes up 75% of my time to buy a house that’s too big, two too many cars, a large screen TV and all kinds of other stuff I don’t really need.

The world says I am failing as a person and a father because my little family lives with my parents. I don’t have a degree or any special skills to get a high paying job so I will always make a ‘small’ income they say. They say that I need to do a lot and get a lot of things to be successful.

They say a lot.

I think they say wrong.

I may get a college degree someday. I may spend the whole of my life studying in academia after some point, but it will not be to get a lot of products that are not necessary to life and were probably made somewhere in Asia by an overworked, underpaid, sexually harassed 13 year old who doesn’t have the luxury of buying those same products because he’s saving up to buy his sister back out of prostitution.

The world and some of my family will tell me that taking courses through a means that does not offer a degree that will get me that job that will get me that stuff is pointless.

I don’t think it is me who’s off the mark here.

I let myself get held down by this way of thinking. Sometimes for minutes....sometimes for weeks.

No more!

We have made some mistakes, but....ahh!.... My little family is moving forward with there lives together. No, we don’t know exactly what we are doing a lot of the time. But we sure as Heaven know what we are not going to do.....

If you don’t like the way we There’s still a place at our table set for ya’.

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